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military base russia

Military Base Russia - Russia continues to reactivate and expand military bases in the Arctic and push ahead with massive economic projects. There is no doubt that the Arctic is a core national interest and Russia will do whatever it takes to protect it, experts say.

Satellite images collected by High North News show the extent and speed with which Russia continues to pursue its security and economic interests over the Arctic Circle. Through the use of interactive features, the reader can compare how military bases are being upgraded and how previously undeveloped tundra was transformed into vibrant economic centers.

Military Base Russia

Military Base Russia

The article highlights two military bases, Nagurskoye and Temp Air Base, as well as two economic projects, Yamal LNG and Arctic Gate natural gas and oil development.

New Satellite Images Reveal Extent Of Russia's Military And Economic Build Up In The Arctic

"One has to understand that this large-scale development and reconstruction is taking place in the Arctic. Like this new expansion in the south, the fact that they are happening in the north means that it is very expensive," explained Rob Huebert, professor associate. at the University of Calgary and senior research fellow at the Center for Military and Strategic Studies.

Military investment appears to be mainly to renovate Cold War-era bases and provide modern equipment.

"The large military outposts are targeted as a light form of saber-rattling, as well as a way to provide protection for the very large amount invested in the Northern Fleet, based out of Murmansk," explained Andrew Holland, Chief of the Office of Operations. of the American Security Project.

Nagurskoye Air Base is Russia's northernmost military installation located in the Franz Josef Land archipelago. It was established in the 1950s as an advanced staging base for Soviet long-range bombers. Starting in 2015, the military installation was modernized and a new facility in the shape of a trefone was built.

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The comparison of satellite images shows how Russia renovated and erected new existing structures, built 2,500 meters of gravel runway and built supporting infrastructure.

The temporary gravel airfield was upgraded to a 2,500 meter permanent asphalt runway during the summer of 2018 with the delivery of 13,000 tons of construction materials. It can now accommodate all types of Russian military aircraft, including the MiG-31 and Su-34.

"The location of the Nagurskoye base allows closer access to North America for Russian bombers. This combined with the greater range of the new generation of hypersonic cruise missiles increases the risk to North American targets," Huebert said.

Military Base Russia

The Temp Air Base was established in 2013 on Kotelny Island and became operational in 2015. Its design follows the same "clover" layout as the Nagurskoye base. More than 10,000 tons of material were transported in a fleet of seven cargo ships.

Nagurskoye (air Base)

Satellite images show how the previously untouched tundra was transformed into a sprawling military base over two summer construction seasons.

Initial construction of the airfield began in October 2013. Satellite images show how the primitive airport was subsequently upgraded to a hard-surfaced runway capable of receiving large military aircraft, including the Ilyushin Il-76 jet, year-round. The facility can accommodate and support 250 personnel throughout the year.

Russian officials explained that the new base will be used to control international shipping in the Northern Sea Route, protect oil and gas installations and maintain maritime domain awareness against foreign ships.

Security experts also see the network of military installations as part of a plan to gain and maintain control of Russia's Arctic territory. Huebert explained that "this principle shows Russia's layered approach. Russia is in the process of providing a complete and comprehensive defense for the entire Arctic region.

Russia Stakes Its Hold On Arctic With Military Base

According to Huebert, these foundations serve three purposes. First, they provide increased protection for Russia's growing economic activity, including oil and gas, as well as transportation. Second, they allow Russia to increase its power in the region. And third, these advanced bases protect and expand the country's nuclear deterrent.

The Yamal LNG plant and the nearby Sabetta port and airport cover an area of ​​more than 10 square kilometers. This facility was built in a period of less than 5 years and turned the previously undeveloped arctic tundra into a vibrant economic center.

The Yamal LNG plant ranks second among the world's largest LNG plants, with an annual production of more than 16.5 million tons.

Military Base Russia

Construction of the Yamal LNG facility, a joint venture between Russian energy company Novatek, French energy major Total, and China's national oil company CNPC, began in July 2012. Just over five years later, the first line of production went online and the first capable of ice. LNG carriers, that is

Military Infrastructure And Logistics In The Russian Arctic

An oil installation at Cape Kamenny and the Arctic Gate terminal 3.5 kilometers offshore with three ships behind.

The Arctic Gate Terminal is located near Cape Kamenny on the Yamal Peninsula. Up to 8 million tons of oil will be transported from this offshore terminal. Gazprom is building a 100-kilometer long oil pipeline from the Novoportovskoye oil field to the Arctic Gate terminal, located 3.5 kilometers offshore.

Land infrastructure includes navigation and marine traffic control systems, port infrastructure, offices and accommodation for up to 500 workers and offices for government agencies.

Huebert claims that “this photo certainly evokes the cliché that 'a picture is worth a thousand words'.

Correction: Google Has Not Changed Its Blurring Policies In Russia

And, it is important to note that nothing comparable is being built by any of the other Arctic countries.

"Neither the Americans nor the Canadians have done anything to the same extent. The Canadians have spent a long time renovating the former mine site at Nanisivik to become a gas station. But nothing has connected the increased air capabilities. The US has done nothing but increase the capacity of the ABM installation at the southern Alaskan Arctic base at Fort Greeley," Huebert concluded. -leader of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) at the Harb-Maidon training ground, located near the Tajikistan-Afghanistan border in Khatlon region, Tajikistan, October 23, 2021. /Didor Sadulloev/File Photo

MOSCOW, Dec 6 () - Russia said on Monday it had strengthened its military base in Tajikistan with 30 new tanks and that its troops at the facility had been trained in missile defense systems, underscoring Moscow's concern over unrest in Afghanistan.

Military Base Russia

The possibility of Islamist militants infiltrating Afghanistan into Tajikistan and other former Soviet republics in Central Asia is a concern for Moscow, which sees the region as a defensive buffer to its south.

Russia In The Arctic

Russian forces on Monday practiced repelling enemy airstrikes on military facilities using the S-300PS system, the Interfax news agency quoted the Defense Ministry as saying.

The base in ex-Soviet Tajikistan, the largest outside its borders, simulated 10 missile launches against aerial targets as part of the exercise, the minister said.

"A group of 30 upgraded T-72B3M tanks with improved combat characteristics will arrive at the armament base of the 201st Russian army stationed in Tajikistan on December 6," he was quoted as saying.

Russia held large-scale joint military exercises with its allies near the Tajik-Afghan border in October after the United States and its allies withdrew troops from Afghanistan and the Taliban seized power. read more A Russian soldier guards an area during a military exercise in Chita region, East Siberia, during the Vostok 2018 exercise in Russia, September 11, 2018. (AP)

War In Ukraine: How Russia Is Recruiting Mercenaries

Russia plans to increase its military cooperation with African countries as part of its new African strategy, including building bases in six countries, German daily Bild reported on Tuesday, citing a secret German Foreign Ministry report.

A classified document on what it calls "Russia's new African ambitions" says Russian President Vladimir Putin has made "Africa a top priority".

An important aspect of Russia's progress in Africa is military cooperation with some of the continent's dictatorial regimes, he said.

Military Base Russia

"Since 2015, Russia has concluded military cooperation agreements with 21 countries in Africa," the leaked document says.

The Ice Curtain: Russia's Arctic Military Presence

In addition, he said, the Kremlin "contractually guaranteed" that it would be "allowed to build military bases in six countries," namely the Central African Republic, Egypt, Eritrea, Madagascar, Mozambique and Sudan.

In addition, the Russian military is partially covertly and partially officially training soldiers from these countries, according to the report, which said that 180 Russian military instructors are currently in the Central African Republic or elsewhere in Africa, adding that: "About 20 soldiers from Mali are trained in Russia every year."

But Russia not only aims to permanently deploy its forces in Africa, but also increasingly relies on private armies or proxy groups such as the Wagner Group, infamous for supporting coup general Khalifa Haftar in Libya, the report said.

The capabilities of Russia's armed forces and mercenaries are "of interest to autocratic regimes that can be used against their own people," the report added.

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With a market share of 37.6%, Russia is Africa's leading arms supplier, followed by the US at 16%, France at 14% and China at 9%.

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