Pic Of Air Force - The United States Air Force (USAF) turns 73 today. On September 18, 1947, Chief Justice Fred Vinson appointed Stuart Symington as the first Secretary of the Air Force, officially establishing the new branch of the United States military. Eight days later, on September 26, 1947, General Carl A.

The USAF had its origins in a decision made just four years after the Wright Brothers flew the world's first airplane at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina. In 1907, the US Army Signal Corps created the Aeronautical Division and was charged with "all matters relating to military balloons, aeronautical machines, and all kindred matters." As aviation technology improved, the army's air force grew. An independent military became almost inevitable after the Army Air Forces became a United States Army command in 1942, and then grew exponentially throughout the remainder of World War II. On July 26, 1947, President Harry Truman signed the National Security Act of 1947 aboard the Sacred Cow presidential plane.

Pic Of Air Force

Pic Of Air Force

The Air Force has 328,200 active duty personnel, 69,200 reservists, 106,700 National Guardsmen, and 700 and 145,700 civilians. The service flies more than 5,300 civilian aircraft. These aircraft come in forty different airframe designs, from the B-2 stealth jet to the F-35 fighter and the VC-25, also known as Air Force One. 19 airmen received Medal of Honor.

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Recommended reading for people who want to know more about the Air Force. Here's what he recommends:

The United States Air Force (usaf)

General James P. McCarthy (ed.), Air Force (2002). McCarthy's edited book "combines photographs, art, and narrative to depict key personnel and weapons systems that contributed significantly to the development, growth, and transformation of the Air Force."

"Contains the story of how General Elwood 'Pete' Quesada integrated tactical aviation and ground forces during World War II, including his pivotal role.

Brian D. Lasley, The Air Force's Way of War: US Strategies and Studies After Vietnam (2015). "Lasley examines the revolution in pilot training and training exercises that resulted from airpower training experienced in Vietnam. The book also examines and highlights the impact of the training revolution on Air Force performance during subsequent operations in Grenada, Panama, Libya, and Iraq."

Pic Of Air Force

John Andreas Olsen (ed.), Airpower Reborn: The Strategic Concepts of John Warden and John Boyd (2015). Olsen "examines the key contributions of air power theorists Boyd and Warden, provides an analysis of the history of air power, and provides a conceptual framework for those seeking to better understand the strategic influence capabilities and implications of air power in modern warfare."

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Based on the book by Tom Wolfe and "illustrates the creative spirit of the Air Force through the pilot testing and space programs. It shows the impact and sacrifices endured by pilots, astronauts and their families at the beginning of these highly specialized programs."

It tells the story of airmen who served in the Eighth Air Force at the beginning of World War II. The film gives insight into "the importance of setting standards and holding a leader accountable as it affects overall discipline, morale, stability and performance". The film is based on the book by Beirne Lay Jr. and Cy Bartlett

Bat*21 (1988). Bat*21, set during the Vietnam War, "follows the search and rescue mission of Lt. Col. Isel 'Jean' Hambleton, an Air Force navigator and electronic warfare officer. Named after an aircraft call sign, the film chronicles how Lt. Col. Hambleton records the enemy after his plane is shot down during a 1972 Easter raid. Survival on the back and eventual rescue.

If you want more information about the Air Force, check out the Chief of Staff of the Air Force Professional Reading List. You can find more information about USAF history online through the Air Force Historical Support Unit.

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TWE hat tip to all men and women who wear the USAF uniform.

Campaign Foreign Policy Roundup: Foreign Policy is AWOL Ten Options to Watch in 2020 What Happens When America Hits Its Debt Limit Air Force Day is celebrated every year on September 18 to commemorate the birth of this vital organization. The US Army is one of the most advanced armies in the world. Soon after the invention of airplanes, the US military purchased their first aircraft and put this revolutionary invention to use. Since then, much progress has been made. This holiday commemorates the day the United States Air Force became an independent organization and recognizes the many accomplishments of the USAF. Most importantly, this day honors the sacrifices of so many and raises awareness of the importance of national security to our freedom.

The first successful aircraft was discovered in 1903, and the US Army purchased its first aircraft six years later. With visions of great success for their new invention, the US In 1907, the Signal Corps established the first military aviation organization, the Aviation Division. However, in later years the Aviation Division was too small and inadequate for air combat. After the difficulties of World War II, it became clear that the Air Force would become increasingly important in the coming years. That's when the National Security Act of 1947 reorganized the US military and intelligence agencies and made the Air Force an independent agency.

Pic Of Air Force

United States Air Force Day was first established on August 1, 1947 by President Harry Truman. It was done to recognize the intrepid personnel of the United States Air Force and all those who have maintained and developed the nation's air power. The holiday was originally observed on August 1 to mark the 40th anniversary of the Airborne Division of the US Signal Corps. However, on September 18, the United States Air Force was established as a separate branch of the United States Armed Forces, and this holiday received a new date.

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The day aims to educate the public about the importance of national security and to express gratitude to those who risk their lives to protect the country and maintain its prosperity.

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