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Pic Of Great Lakes - Although every effort is made to follow the guidelines of citation style, there may be some differences. Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other resource if you have questions.

The Great Lakes are a chain of deep freshwater lakes in east-central North America consisting of Lakes Superior, Michigan, Huron, Erie, and Ontario.

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Pic Of Great Lakes

The current configuration of the Great Lakes basin is the result of the movement of large glaciers in North America, a process that began about one million years ago during the Pleistocene era. Skaters are always looking for existing valleys, widening and deepening them and radically changing the drainage of the area.

Great Lakes Century Vision Plan

Lake Superior is the largest of North America's five Great Lakes. It is also one of the largest bodies of fresh water in the world. It is 350 miles (563 km) long (east to west), and at its greatest width 160 miles (258 km) from north to south.

The Great Lakes get their water supply from precipitation, which rises from west to east and from north to south. Average annual precipitation in the Lake Superior basin is 30 inches (760 millimeters), 31 inches in Lakes Huron and Michigan, and 34 and 36 inches in Lakes Erie and Ontario, respectively.

Large lakes change the climate of the surrounding area by absorbing large amounts of heat in the warmer months, which are then lost to the atmosphere in the cooler months. This makes for cooler summers and warmer winters than would otherwise occur in the area.

Great Lakes, chain of deep freshwater lakes in east-central North America consisting of Lakes Superior, Michigan, Huron, Erie, and Ontario. They are one of the great natural features of the continent and the world. Although Lake Baikal in Russia has a larger volume of water, the combined area of ​​the Great Lakes - about 94,250 square miles (244,106 square kilometers) - represents the largest surface of fresh water in the world, covering an area over area of ​​the United Kingdom. Their drainage basin of about 295,710 square miles (which includes the areas of the lakes themselves and their connecting watercourses) extends about 690 miles from north to south and about 860 miles from Lake Superior in the west to Lake Ontario in the east. Aside from Lake Michigan, the lakes provide a natural border between Canada and the United States, a border established by the Boundary Waters Treaty of 1909. It is a source of pride for both countries that there are no fortifications or warships nearby. of the border.

Looking For Locally Sourced Great Lakes Fish? This New Map Can Help

Table). They played a central role in European colonization and development in North America and attracted people and industry for decades; Lakes Erie and Ontario and the southern part of Lake Michigan are now surrounded by large concentrations of population. However, the lake has not benefited from development, and is seriously affected by pollution. Concern over the fate of the lakes reached a high level in the late 20th century, with both the US

Great Lakes Areas and Volumes Surface Area Volume Sq Mi Sq. km 920 6th Huron 23, 000 59, 600 4th 850 3, 540 7th Erie 9, 910 25, 670 11th 116 484 15th Ontario 7, 340 19, 010 14 14

The Great Lakes form the western portion of the greater St. Lawrence hydrographic system. The system extends as far east as St. Lewis River in Minnesota (which flows into Lake Superior), through Lakes and St. Lawrence River, and flows into the Atlantic Ocean at the Gulf of St. For a discussion of the system east of Lake Ontario,

Pic Of Great Lakes

The age of the Great Lakes has not yet been definitively determined. Estimates range from 7,000 to 32,000 years old. Water began to fill the glacially carved basins as soon as the ice retreated, about 14,000 years ago. It is generally accepted that Lake Erie reached its present level about 10,000 years ago, Lake Ontario about 7,000 years ago, and Lakes Huron, Michigan, and Superior about 3,000 years ago.

A Lake Of Superior Cold

The current configuration of the Great Lakes basin is the result of the movement of large glaciers across the continent, a process that began about a million years ago during the Pleistocene epoch. Studies of the Lake Superior area indicate that a river system and valleys formed by water erosion existed before the Ice Age. Glaciers swept these valleys, widened them and profoundly and radically changed the drainage of the area.

The last glaciation in North America is called the Wisconsin Glacial Stage because it left many fresh landforms and sediments in this state. When the ice melted and receded about 14,000 years ago, the first Great Lakes were created. Lake Chicago, in what is now the southern Lake Michigan basin, and Lake Maumee, in present-day western Lake Erie and its adjacent lowlands, originally drained south to the Mississippi River through the Illinois and Wabash drainages, respectively. As the ice continued to retreat, Lake Maumee drained into Lake Chicago through a valley that now contains the Grand River in Michigan. Drainage was eventually established to the east and to the Atlantic Ocean, sometimes down the valleys of the Mohawk and Hudson Rivers and then along the upper St. Lawrence River. During a period of high water, the waters of the Huron and Michigan basins formed a large lake - Lake Algonquin. At the same time, Lake Duluth, in the western basin of Lake Superior, also flows into the Mississippi.

The weight of the ice sheet exerts tremendous pressure on the Earth's crust. As the ice sheet retreated, low-lying glacially depressed areas were exposed, such as the area east of Georgian Bay. About 10,000 years ago, the upper lakes were apparently drained in this area by the Ottawa River valley, and their levels were significantly reduced. After the weight of the ice was removed, the land began to rise (ie, the outlet to the lakes), closing some outlets and allowing the water levels of the lakes to slowly rise. The largest postglacial lake, Nipissing, occupied the basins of Huron, Michigan, and beyond. Drainage in the Ottawa River valley ceased, and the flow of the upper lakes was established by the rivers of St. Clair and Detroit to Lake Erie. The rise continued at a rate of about 1 foot (30 cm) per 100 years; this is evidenced by the submerged estuaries of western Lakes Erie and Superior.

A wide range of rock types and deposits are found in the Great Lakes due to their vast area and glacial origin. Ancient rocks of the Canadian Shield cover parts of the Superior and Huron basins, while Paleozoic sedimentary rocks make up the rest of the basin. There are limestone outcrops and large deposits of sand and gravel, often near the coast. Glacial clay and organic sediments occur in deep areas. The Great Lakes of North America, spanning 750 miles from east to west, make up the largest freshwater system on Earth. Here are 10 facts about Superior, Michigan, Huron, Erie and Ontario.

Noaa Great Lakes Region

The numbers for the world's largest freshwater lake (in terms of surface area), which straddles the US-Canada border and runs through Minnesota, Wisconsin and Michigan, are consistent: 31,700 square miles of surface water; 350 miles wide and 160 miles long; 2,726 miles of coastline; an average depth of about 500 feet, with a maximum depth of 1,332 feet; And a volume of 2,900 cubic miles, more than enough to fill all the other great lakes combined.

Lake Erie, bordered by Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania and New York, measures 241 miles wide and 57 miles long, larger than Lake Ontario's 193-mile-by-53-mile footprint. But Erie's average depth is only 62 feet and has a volume of about 119 cubic miles, smaller than Ontario's average depth of 283 feet and volume of 395 cubic miles. The two lakes are connected by the 35-mile long Niagara River.

As its name suggests, Lake Michigan and its 1,180 cubic miles of water, 22,300 square miles of surface water, and 1,600 miles of shoreline is the only one of the Great Lakes that lies entirely within America's borders. . It is the second largest of the Great Lakes by volume and is connected to Lake Huron by the Straits of Mackinac between the Upper and Lower Peninsulas of Michigan.

Pic Of Great Lakes

The Great Lakes Commission established the Circle Tour in 1988 as a scenic tourist drive around the Five Lakes and through the eight states (and Ontario) that make up the GLC. Just navigating the 900-mile Circle Tour of Lake Michigan alone would take about 14½ hours without any stops.

Simply Incredible Photos Of The Great Lakes In Michigan

A Cuayahoga River fire in June 1969, and the iconic image that followed, helped prompt a number

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